Receive Certificate After Graduating

Become a Certified Cloud Engineer in
3 months

No coding or previous technical experience required.
Step by step process to master the cloud.

The Academy Is For You If You...

Have been looking for a place to learn Cloud Engineering
Feel overwhelmed by the various certification paths
Lack practical, hands-on experience
Need a clear, structured learning path

And Want To...

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Master the cloud and showcase your skills to top
tech firms
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Become a Cloud Engineer in months and not years
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Show recruiters your cloud skills with confidence
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Build a portfolio of cloud projects to sharpen your hands
on skills and share with employers

The Only Place To Learn Real World Cloud Skills

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Integrate Security Everywhere

Apply security measures across all areas of your business. From your first product idea to your customer interactions, make security a seamless part of your operation.

face scan

AI-Driven Security Solutions

Leverage advanced AI technology for security, including machine learning for anomaly detection, predictive threat intelligence, and autonomous incident response.

Robust Data Protection

We protect your information from getting lost or stolen, so you can keep building your business with confidence.

Advanced IAM and Access Control

We create special keys so only the right people in your startup can get to important information.

icon benefits

Integrate Security Everywhere

Apply security measures across all areas of your business. From your first product idea to your customer interactions, make security a seamless part of your operation.


AI-Driven Security Solutions

Leverage advanced AI technology for security, including machine learning for anomaly detection, predictive threat intelligence, and autonomous incident response.

key data protection

Robust Data Protection

Our service is like a safety deposit box for your startup's data. We protect your information from getting lost or stolen, so you can keep building your business with confidence.

advanced IAM

Advanced IAM and Access Control

We create special keys so only the right people in your startup can get to important information.

Real-World Projects

Gain hands-on experience with projects that mirror actual cloud engineering tasks, enhancing your employability and making you a prime candidate for top employers.

Career-Focused Curriculum

Engage with a curriculum made to match industry demands, ensuring you learn skills that are directly applicable and sought after in the job market.

Personalized Mentorship

Benefit from one-on-one mentorship, receiving tailored resume feedback and career guidance, all designed to refine your job market strategy and elevate your professional profile.

Live Workshops with Experts

Participate in live workshops led by seasoned industry experts, offering you the latest insights and cutting-edge trends in cloud engineering, keeping you ahead in the field.

Understand of Cloud Concepts

Develop a solid understanding of core cloud technologies and the essential tools you’ll use in the field, preparing you for complex tasks and advanced responsibilities.

Navigating the Job Market

Learn effective strategies to differentiate yourself with a standout CV and master interview techniques that will help secure a lucrative position in cloud engineering.

Land Jobs At Over $250k Like Jack

“I've been able to secure a role as an AWS NetOps Engineer at an loT company.
I wanted to wait until it was official before telling you guys. The compensation is also pretty good.
I think in USD it's over 250k. A huge huge thank you to Soleyman for the help preparing and for you guys too for the encouragement”

student testimonial
student testimonial
student testimonial
student testimonial
student testimonial
student testimonial

The Steps To Success That Gets You Hired


The foundations is your first four weeks, you'll learn the basics of cloud computing, networking, version control, Linux operating system, and cloud architecture. These foundations are fundamental for your progress and success in the cloud. You'll also get hands-on experience with practical labs, projects, and quizzes.

Soleyman - Foundations
Soleyman - Core


The next four weeks are all about building and deepening your understanding of AWS. Here you will apply the knowledge your learned in Foundations to AWS and build Cloud Projects using in-demand AWS services and architectures. We will also integrate IaC with Terraform and DevOps into our projects. The hands-on learning experience prepares you for real-world cloud computing scenarios and offers the knowledge you need to succeed in the world of cloud technology.


Your final four weeks takes things up a level and we learn more advanced concepts. You will learn AWS CodePipeline automation, cloud migration and modernisation, programming fundamentals, and work on over 20 hands-on projects. These projects cover various aspects of everything we learned in the academy, including web application deployment, serverless applications, microservices deployments, video processing platform, disaster recovery automations, and so much more.

Soleyman - Advanced
cloud foundations
Cloud Foundations

You will start with core modules on cloud computing and security essentials. This first step builds your fundamental knowledge and skills, you’ll then have a strong foundation for advanced topics in cloud security.

Core Fundamentals

You will learn advanced to practical applications with real-world projects and hands-on use of key tools like AWS and Terraform. Participate in expert-led workshops to deepen your technical expertise and stay updated with industry trends.

core fundamentals
advanced fundamentals
Advanced Fundamentals

The final step prepares you to enter the job market with confidence through targeted mentorship, resume building, and interview prep. Continued access to the community and ongoing professional development opportunities

What You'll Learn inside The Academy

Module 1: Introduction to Fundamentals
Module 2: Git & Version Control
Module 3: Linux & Bash
Module 4: Cloud Architecture
Module 5: AWS Fundamentals
Module 6: AWS Advanced
Module 7: Infrastructure as Code - Terraform
Module 8: DevOps
Module 9: Automation with TypeScript
Module 10: Portfolio Projects
Module 11: Job Search
Module 12: Cloud Security (BONUS)

What Sets Us Apart From Other Bootcamps

1-on-1 Coaching

Get a private 30-minute session with Soleyman to focus on what you need. He'll answer your questions and help you understand more.

1 on 1 call with student

Live Workshops

Join our live workshops to learn new skills in real time. You'll get to ask experts questions and turn what you learn into action.

workshop call

Active Community

Be part of a community that helps you grow. You'll always have someone to answer your questions and help you along your journey.

discord community image

What Current Students Are Saying

5 stars

Soleyman's videos on being a Cloud Engineer have been amazing insights for me and my cloud journey, I appreciate how he breaks down technical concepts and makes them beginner friendly and easy to understand. Super excited to keep learning with the Cloud Engineer Academy.

Student - Dale
5 stars

Just wanted to drop say a massive thank you for the incredible work on the Cloud Engineers Academy infrastructure. It's truely the best investment I've made all year. The setup is outstanding and the impact it's had is beyond my expectations. Great job!

Student - Zazo
5 stars

Wow, the academy has surpassed my expectations. The modules are very clear and technical concepts are easily explained. Super pumped to keep learning the cloud. Thanks Soleyman for the mentorship.

Student - MARCEL
5 stars

I have been going through the modules of the Cloud Engineer Academy, it's very impressive and I'm learning a lot. Great work, Soleyman!

Student - FAISAL
5 stars

The Academy has changed the way I'm learning, the concepts and lessons are animated very well and easy to understand. The best thing is being able to speak with Soleyman on live calls for questions and help.

Student - Smodou
5 stars

The academy helped me with what to learn and also provide me with the mentorship towards my cloud engineering career

Meet Who’s Behind The Academy

Hey, I’m Soleyman, the founder

I've been working in tech for over a decade, designing, building software and cloud solutions for Fortune 500 companies, small startups, and government organisations. I've seen it all. Now, I run my own Cloud Security Consultancy, helping businesses around the world build secure cloud platforms on AWS.

My hands-on learning style has always guided me. Instead of just studying, I build projects to understand better, I put things into practice.

My journey led me to create the Cloud Engineering Academy. It's a place where learning meets doing, focusing on real-world skills for the Cloud.

With over 88,000 subscribers on my YouTube channel and more than 14 million views, I share everything Cloud. I will teach you how to design, build, and get hired in the Cloud world.

If you want to learn about the Cloud, how to design solutions, build hands-on projects, and tips and tricks to get hired, I will see you inside the academy.

Secure Your Spot With $300 OFF -->
Soleyman, Instructor

Trusted by recognised companies


Hear from Nunes

Get FREE Bonus Access to...

Cloud Security Modules

(worth $300)

Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to significantly improve your learning experience and accelerate your career in cloud security.

You’ll not only gain access to our standard curriculum but also unlock a world of additional benefits exclusively available to our students.

Mock Interviews

(worth $200)

Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to boost your interview skills with our Mock Interviews.

Secure your spot today to not only refine your techniques but also unlock invaluable feedback and strategies unique to our seasoned experts.

CV Reviews

(worth $100)

Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to enhance your CV with our Free Bonus CV Reviews.

You’ll not only improve your resume but also gain access to personalized advice and insights unique to our industry professionals.

Invest In Your Cloud Career

We’ve included a no-questions asked, 14 day money-back guarantee.

Single Payment

Pay in full and receive a free 1-on-1
$300 OFF
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Lifetime access to all videos and workshops
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20+ Portfolio Projects
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Coaching sessions with Soleyman
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CV and Linkedin Templates
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Discord Community
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Job Listings
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Access to Cloud Engineer Handbook (Worth $99.99)
Supported payment methods:

Installment Plan

Pay in three affordable installments.
$300 OFF
3x $433
3x $333
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Lifetime access to all videos and workshops
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20+ Portfolio Projects
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CV and Linkedin Templates
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Discord Community
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Job Listings
Supported payment methods:

The Only Cloud Engineer Academy You Need

Cloud Engineer Academy

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Access affordable, top-tier education.
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Benefit from consistent, expert guidance.
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Practice with immediate, real-time feedback.
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Learn at your pace, with no time limits.
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Always current, always relevant learning materials.
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Join a Global Community.

Other Academies / Bootcamps

Expensive: The Average Cost is $5000 - $8000
You’re on your own, no weekly help.
Miss out on engaging, practical workshops.
Only a year to learn everything.
Content gets old, with no updates.
No community for networking or support.

Promising Career Growth

Cloud Engineering keeps growing

cloud engineer growth

Learn more than a 4-year degree

academy vs college degree

Average Yearly Cloud Engineer Salary

average cloud engineer salary

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I work alongside the Academy?
What is included in the Cloud Engineer Academy?
Is the content live or recorded?
What if I am unhappy with the Academy?
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Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Please chat to our friendly team.
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